Publications |
Publications 2023
The Dutch magazine DUIKEN published this interview about the diving and snorkelling resort Raja4Divers in its travel column Topspots.
"Een flinke portie rust en ontspanning." |
A great report on Pulau Pef and the fascinating underwater world that surrounds the island paradise, published in the German magazine Koralle.
"Die marine Fauna von Westpapua ist unfassbar mannigfaltig." by Werner Fiedler |
Publications 2020
Interview with the founder and Managing Director of Raja4Divers, Maya Hadorn, in the Jakarta-based Indonesian expat magazine «Indonesia Expat».
"Maya Hadorn Believes Everything’s Possible Underwater." by Indonesia Expat |
Web article in trade magazine «cmm360» on customer relations and customer satisfaction at Raja4Divers.
"Arrive as a Guest. Feel like a King. Leave as a Friend." by Meike Tarabori |
Radio interview with the founder and Managing Director of Raja4Divers, Maya Hadorn on Switzerland's national radio station SRF 1 in daily news broadcast «Echo der Zeit» (in German only).
Article also on news website. "Swiss lady in Indonesia" by Charlotte Jacquemart |
Radio interview with our marketing manager Monika Frei on the Swiss regional radio station Radio 24 about what it is like to leave everything back home and work on a remote island at the other end of the world.
"I have the most beautiful office in the whole world!" by Sharon Zucker |
A portrait of the founder and Managing Director of Raja4Divers, Maya Hadorn in Switzerland's biggest consumer magazine.
"Walhaimat" by Rahel Schmucki |
Corrigendum to the article in Migros Magazine (s. left):
Whale Sharks are very rare in the area of Pulau Pef! While we are very happy about the report on Raja4Divers, we would like to make sure, potential guests don't have wrong expectations as there are hardly any Whale Sharks in our region. |
Publications 2019
A beautifully documented report on the biodiversity of Raja Ampat, focusing on the reefs and mangroves around Pulau Pef.
"Raja Ampat - Hotspot mariner Lebensvielfalt" by Werner Fiedler |
A 6-page feature on the "legendary seat of the emperor" Pulau Pef, now home to the beautiful Raja4Divers resort.
"The Little Dive Village" by Thomas Haider |
This second article in the German magazine KORALLE gives an in-depth overview of Raja Ampat and its biodiversity.
"Raja Ampat - Ein Mosaik der Habitate" by Werner Fiedler |
This third article in the German magazine KORALLE gives an in-depth overview of Raja Ampat and its biodiversity.
"Raja Ampat - Ein Mosaik der Habitate" by Werner Fiedler |
Publications 2018
A portrait of Maya and how she built her resort resort on Pulau Pef, Raja Ampat, in the German magazine TAUCHEN.
"Unverhofft im Paradies gelandet" by Peter Jaeggi |
An insight into the shark research of Dr. Lorenz Frick, resident marine biologist at Raja4Divers, in the German magazine TAUCHEN.
"Beifang kostet mehr Haien das Leben als angenommen" by Peter Jaeggi |
The Soliswiss Forum, a free and independent exchange platform of Swiss abroad for Swiss abroad, interviewed Maya about life in Indonesia.
"Vom Traumbauernhof in der Schweiz zum Traumresort in Indonesien" by Steven Sohn |
This article in the German magazine KORALLE gives an in-depth overview of Raja Ampat and its biodiversity.
"Raja Ampat - Im Zentrum des Zentrums" by Werner Fiedler |
The Swiss magazin 50PLUS describes the development of the resort Raja4Divers with a portrait of Maya.
"Eine Schweizer Powerfrau baute sich in Indonesien ein Inselparadies" by Peter Jaeggi |
The UK dive magazine DIVER published an article about diving around Pulau Pef.
"Raja Ampat IN MICROCOSM" by Thomas Haider |
Publications 2017
The German article about one perfect day on Pulau Pef was also published in the Swiss diver magazine TAUCHER REVUE.
"Ein Volltreffer mitten ins Herz des Korallendreiecks" by Doris Leresche Kyburz |
This German article, published in the magazine AQUARISTIK, is all about a very special underwater habitat, the mangrove forests, and their inhabitants.
"Die Bewohner der Küsten-mangrove von Raja Ampat" by Werner Fiedler |
MANTA REISEN published a German travel blog about Pulau Pef on their website.
"Raja Ampat - der Traum eines jeden Tauchers" by Martina Kampe |
The German dive magazine UNTERWASSER introduces us as a travel tip with top house reef.
Publications 2016
GLOBE SESSION published two German articles with many beautiful pictures about Raja4Divers.
One about the resort and our island life (click here) by Olivia Gadient, the other about diving with Raja4Divers (click here) by Matthias Gräub. |
The asian travel magazine ACTION ASIA published an English article about Raja4Divers in their annual diving supplementary magazine called Action Diver. It gives an introduction about the Raja4Divers resort and what travelers can expect.
Publications 2015
The magazine HIPPO CAMPUS has published the winning photo of Belgiums champion of UW-photography, Filip Staes, on their cover. It was taken during a dive in the Passage, a dive site close to Pulau Pef.
20 MINUTEN published a German article about Raja4Divers. It gives a good overview about how the resort has been built on a remote island in the middle of Raja Ampat.
"Raja Ampat im Miniformat" by Florian Sanktjohanser |
This German article in the Swiss dive magazine NEREUS is all about Pulau Pef, the beauty of diving in Raja Ampat, the marine life and what visitors can expect at the resort Raja4Divers.
"Pulau Pef - Raja Ampat im Miniformat" by Thomas Haider |
NEREUS published the same article also in French. Text and photos are similar to the one in German.
"Pulau Pef - Un Mini Raja Ampat" by Thomas Haider |
Photographer Thomas Haider's article was also published in the Italian dive magazine SCUBA ZONE. It's a great article about Pulau Pef and Raja Ampat as a dive destination with lots of nice pictures above and under water.
"Pulau Pef - Una Raja Ampat in Miniatura" by Thomas Haider and Massimo Boyer |
ART UND REISE has published a German article about Pulau Pef. It's all about the fascinating land and seascape and how Maya found this little paradise.
Florian Sanktjohanser visited Raja4Divers and describes Raja Ampat as the Serengeti of the underwater world. "Das kleine Raja Ampat" by Florian Sanktjohanser |
The Swiss dive magazine NEREUS has published amazing photos of Thomas Haider taken on and around Pef in 2014 on their website.
The images show the beauty and extraordinary rich marine life of Raja Ampat. "Pulau Pef - Raja Ampat im Miniformat" by Thomas Haider |
LA GASETA DEL DIJOUS has published a Spanish article about the photographer Pere Rubio and his speciality, Macro images from Raja Ampat. Pere Rubio has taken many pictures around Pef.
"Els més petits del fons marí" by Pere Rubio |
This German article about our resort was published in the magazine SILENT WORLD.
The amazing photos and information about the island, the rich fish life and the atmosphere animates to visit Raja Ampat at least once in life. "Das Mini Raja Ampat - Raja4Divers auf Pulau Pef" by Florian Sanktjohanser |
REISE UND PREISE, one of the big travel magazines in Germany, calls Raja Ampat "the new star in the sky". This article gives a general overview about the area, liveaboards and resorts, activities above and underwater, the marine life and travel tips.
Florian Sanktjohanser describes our resort as probably the nicest one in whole Raja Ampat. "Raja Ampat - Inselreich der Korallen" by Florian Sanktjohanser |
The belgium dive magazine ONDER WATER SPORT has used the photo of underwater photographer Filip Staes for their cover. It was taken on a dive in the passage, a dive site close to Pulau Pef. Filip Staes, known as the "Leonardo of the oceans" has won a UW-photo contest with that particular picture.
Photographer Pere Rubio's fantastic underwater pictures from his visit at Raja4Divers were published in the Spanish magazin OBJETIVO NATURAL.
"Pequeños Tesoros de Pulau Pef" by Pere Rubio |
Publications 2014
This short German article in the WILLISAUER BOTE tells about how Christmas is celebrated on Pulau Pef.
"Kitschalarm am Äquator" by Evelyne Fischer |
This French article, published in the Swiss dive magazine NEREUS, gives general information about Raja Ampat. All pictures were taken by Raja4Divers.
"Raja Ampat" by Dive and Travel |
The UNTERWASSER magazine published this article about blue water mangroves and Raja Ampat's hidden world.
"Blaues Wunder" by Daniel Brinckmann |
This is a SRF radio interview with Maya Hadorn in German. Hear about when she saw Pulau Pef for the first time, how she immediately fell in love and knew that she wanted to build a diving resort on this beautiful little island in Raja Ampat.
A German article in the ZOFINGER TAGBLATT intoducing introducing Maya, a farmer's daughter and the lady behind Raja4Divers, and the paradise island Pulau Pef.
"Tauchende Bauerntochter im Paradies" by Herbert Fischer |
The magazine UNTERWASSER published a German article about our resort Raja4Divers and lovely Pulau Pef.
"Entschleunigungskur" by Daniel Brinckmann |
Publications 2013
This German article about Raja4Divers on Pulau Pef was published in the magazine TAUCHEN.
"Im Korallendreick" by Jürgen Freund |
The German article about the earth's richest coral reefs in Raja Ampat and the diving resort Raja4Divers was published in the Swiss newspaper NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG.
"Fischrausch und Farben-taumel in Raja Ampat" by Claudia Hager |
This Dutch text and photos about Raja Ampat's anemones and the island Pulau Pef were published in the Dutch magazine ONS ZEEAQUARIUM.
"Zeeanemonen van Raja Ampat" by Ron Ates |
At the Catalan Society of Nature Photographers Conference in Barcelona, UW-photographer and Raja4Divers' friend Pere Rubio designed an audiovisual presentation with images taken around Pulau Pef.
The German magazine TAUCHEN compared 20 small diving resorts all over the world.
"Kleine Tauchresorts - charmant, persönlich & individuell" |
The Swiss magazine NEREUS published this German article about Pulau Pef and Raja4Divers.
"Raja4Divers - Willkommen im Paradies" by Doris Leresche-Kyburz |
Publications 2012
This German article about Pulau Pef was published in the Swiss dive magazine TAUCHER REVUE.
"Taucher-Paradies Raja Ampat" by Daniel Melliger |
This Dutch article about the stunning marine life of Raja Ampat was published in the Dutch dive magazine HIPPO CAMPUS.
"Raja Ampat" by Dos Winkel & Katrien Vandevelde |
The dutch dive magazine ONDERWATERSPORT published an interesting article about Raja Ampat.
"De vier koningseilanden" by Dos Winkel & Katrien Vandevelde |
Also the Dutch magazine DUIKEN published a text about diver's paradise Raja Ampat.
"Het laatste paradijs" by Dos Winkel & Katrien Vandeveldeere |
Publications 2011
Read this article about paddling through Raja Ampat in the English OCEAN PADDLER magazine.
"Ampat - Paddling Nirvana" by Alexander Vogel |
The district education offices of Raja Ampat, CORAL and SAVE OUR SEAS foundation launched a writing competition in schools of Raja Ampat. The kids should write about the unique marine life here and how to conserve it for future generations. The lucky winner was 16 year old Yulyana Baransano from Ayau, East Waigeo. In this special week on Pef she tried snorkeling, kayaking and climbed our resort mountain. It was a week full of new adventures! |